The Bow Tie Guy

The Bow Tie Guy

My long time and amazing friend Michael Thompson is a sophomore in high school who has done more in the course of a few months than I have done in the past two years. Mr. Thompson has started his own successful business in the clothing industry.

Michael Thompson
The Bow Tie Guy is his name and as you can guess Bow Ties are his game! Hand-made Bow Ties to be exact. He started of crafting his own personal neck wear but soon came the compliments and then came the business idea. Michael Thompson makes all of the Bow Ties from scratch and takes the time to ensure that all of the Bow Ties he supplies are flawless and worth every penny. 

If everyone is asking where to find the fly Bow Ties why not give the people what they want? Good quality, inexpensive, and creative Bow Ties for the masses. Michael creates one of a kind fresh new designs and crisp collections that will knock your socks off! A variety of different ties crafted so that you can be prepared to dress for success for any occasion.

 I've ordered mine already, the question is have you ordered yours? 
