Spring Break Realization
This year I took my annual spring break trip to Myrtle Beach with my family. There were a few different things this time around than in the past. I'm currently a senior in high school and will be graduating the first day of June. I only have a few more weeks before I'm not considered a child anymore and I'll have to pack up and ship off to college.
I will be attending Mary Baldwin University located in Staunton, VA in the fall. That is a 5 hour drive and is 345 miles away from my hometown. Being that I have never spent more than 2 days away from my mom moving out is a very scary idea. And the problem is that it isn't even an idea anymore; it's happening in a few short months.
And along with the fear of being away from family a few firsts for me are coming up as well.
1. I will be the first person in my household to attend a university.
2. I will be the first woman to enlist in the military after college.
3. This will be the first time I will be staying on my own.
4. I will be starting my first job soon.
5. I will be getting on my first plane ever in my life.
6. First roommate (of course)
7. First time I will ever have to responsible for my actions.
8. First time being terrified out of my life!!
Although I'm scared out of my mind I'm excited and should actually be sleeping because it's 2:00 in the morning!!
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